Tips for Setting Up Your Kino Flo BarFly
The Kino Flo BarFly 200D and BarFly 400D are professional, energy-efficient lighting systems ideal for filmmakers and photographers alike. They produce 3200K and 5500K (daylight) temperature lighting from florescent, dimmable 55W lamps inside Kino’s signature modular fixtures. Each bank can be switched on and off for full stop exposure changes. The kits also come with:
- Gel Frames (2 for the 2-light kit, 1 for the 1-light kit). Note that these kits do NOT come with gels. You will have to apply the gel yourself to the provided gel frame using a non-destructive adhesive.
- 90 Degree Grids (2 for the 2-light kit, 1 for the 1-light kit)
- True Match Quad Fluorescent Lamps with padded mini case.
- 55QK32 55W KF32 Quad Lamps with padded mini case.
- Light stands (2 for the 2-light kit, 1 for the 1-light kit).
- AC Power.
- Heavy Duty Kino-branded Case.
These kits are a fantastic option for those seeking all-in-one kits that produce very natural-looking light that is intuitive to shape because what you see is, generally, what you get. However, they are less intuitive to set up. Please take note of the following tips to prevent bulb breakage and other kit issues.
Kino Flo lamps are usually shipped outside the lamp fixture itself to prevent breakage.
Inserting lamps into fixture:
- Insert lamps at a 45 degree angle. It will feel unnatural at first but if you feel any tension at all inserting the lamps, you must restart and try inserting at an extreme angle. They should drop in smoothly.
- Once down, push the lamps securely into their clips.
- Repeat this process in reverse for removal.
A few other things to know:
- The mounting plate with lollipop-style handle rotates and is removable.
- Pull locking pin and twist/lift to remove.
- To reattach: align plate with receptacle on fixture and rotate again until locking pin snaps into place.
- The tension lever can be pulled to completely loosen the lollipop-style handle for adjustment. Level tightens and loosens handle tension.
Important info about orientation:
- Use lamps in either “base up” position or horizontally.
- Do not use lamps with the base pointing down. It can increase the Kelvin and cause a green spike in temperature.
- It is normal for the lamps to take a few minutes to reach full output, even at room temperature.
A few warnings:
- Always turn off the fixture before inserting and removing lamps.
- Only plug power into grounded outlets.
- Dimming the lights beyond 1 stop may result in a noticeable magenta shift.
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