Alternative Ways To Photograph Iconic Landmarks
The sheer volume of iconic imagery is boundless. Although enticing to point your camera and begin clicking away at the first landmark you see, below are some quick tips that will help set you apart from the crowd.
Use Foreground to Your Advantage
Landscape vistas are awe inspiring and finding a vantage point that grants you an uninterrupted panoramic can yield spectacular photographic opportunities. Creating a unique image that differs from the thousands of others who have shared your same view are sometimes right in front of you. Try adding something simple to the foreground of the scene to enhance interest and provide context. Push yourself to build layers of information that will depict a story of space and time and not just a simple shot of a “good view”. Don’t be afraid of something “getting in the way” of the view – it might be a blessing for your narrative.

Florence Cathedral from Michelangelo Square by Ross and Helen

Marrakesh, Morocco by Janno Heins
Find Symmetry
Composing a picture that abstracts a scene is a clever way to shoot more commonly photographed landmarks. Finding patterns or symmetry can give energy and visual organization to the scene as well as directs viewers around the frame. While the Rule of Thirds is great, sometimes perfect symmetry stands out more.

Lincoln Memorial ceiling by Rick Sause

Cinque Terre scene by Lorenza Marzocchi
Make It Personal
When visiting iconic places, whether they be natural wonders, national landmarks, or even small town trips, it’s important to remember the experience is unique to you. Try incorporating aspects of your personal experience to help encapsulate what was happening at that very moment in time and how you were feeling to later reflect upon and inspire others who may have shared that same feeling.

Roman Colosseum reflection by Anna Schlosser

Wadi Rum desert in Jordan by Winston Springwater
Find A Unique Vantage Point
There are some things out there that are undeniably beautiful and despite how many times they have been photographed you just can’t resist to try your hand at it. By finding a unique vantage point that is lesser known, or perhaps needs a particular piece of gear to accomplish, you can increase the potential to capture a unique image of something that has been photographed countless times before. Wow your friends, family, and followers by taking the unbeaten path and unveiling a side of your favorite landmark in a way that simply hasn’t been seen in that light before.

Stonehenge by Benjamin Murga

London Tower Bridge by Sven Hansche
Be The Landmark
So often when face-to-face with a famous location or iconic landmarks we are compelled to take an image of said place point blank, even if it is the same picture you have seen countless times before. It’s as if snapping that pic will be the marker that says “I was here”. After taking this picture (because, let’s face it, it’s impossible not to) think of taking a picture as if you were the landmark itself. By looking backwards you can capture a dynamic, thought-provoking subject matter of the crowds that turn out to visit these famous spots. This is an out-of-the-box perspective that can also act as a catalyst for you to recall your experience of being a part of the landscape.

Palatine Hill from Roman Colosseum by Eszter Szadeczky-Kardoss

Machu Picchu by Russell Johnson
Reflections can be an interesting method to shoot popular photo locations in a way that is not generally considered. When the opportunity does present itself and is thoughtfully composed by exploring different angles at which the reflection is most visible, you have the power to capture multiple scenes in one frame and greatly expanding the portrayal of place. Try to shoot with a narrow depth-of-field at a time other than high noon to guarantee sharp focus and correct exposure.

Eiffel Tower by Monica Mayayo V

St Paul’s Cathedral, London by Steve Horsley
There are so many photographers taking amazing pictures of iconic landmarks with their own personal twist. If this is something that you are drawn to, or you are taking a trip that you want to have record of for years to come, practice finding your own voice. Consider your surroundings and determine what you want to include and not include in the scene to best express your impression.
Work with the lines and patterns naturally occurring around you to guide viewers’ eyes around the frame. Add personal elements to your frame that are meaningful to you and choose a subject matter that doesn’t necessarily include the iconic landmark itself and instead shows your relationship with it. Lastly, look for reflections to build more complex imagery that can communicate a detailed story of your surroundings.
Thomas St. James
The first impulse is to take the stock shot, the postcard shot. But if I wanted that shot I could just buy the postcard. I always try to find a different perspective, a different angle, sometimes a little odd or quirky. I don’t want everyone else’s shot I want my own unique photo.
Kymberly B. Cortigiano
Hey Thomas- We couldn’t agree with you more!! Glad to hear you take control of opportunities and inject your own point of view:)